SFB German in Austria

Variation – Contact – Perception

The FWF Special Research Programme (SFB) ‘German in Austria. Variation – Contact –Perception’ (F60) is a project that deals with the variety and change of the German language in Austria. The three thematic pillars of the project are variation, contact and perception. This means that the SFB explores how the German language in Austria is used and perceived as well as how it has been influenced by other languages.

Our goal is to make the research methods and results of the project easily available to a wide audience. This includes anyone and everyone interested in the entire spectrum of variation and variety of German in Austria.

About the SFB ‘German in Austria’

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DiÖ – Cluster B – Presentation
03. June 2024

Lenz, Alexandra: Vortrag Institutstagung 2024

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Artikel URL: https://www.dioe.at/en/article/3299
DiÖ – All SFB – Article – Conference
25. April 2024

12th International Conference on Language Variation in Europe - ICLaVE|12

Die International Conference on Language Variation in Europe (ICLaVE|12) findet vom 8. bis zum 11. Juli 2024 in Wien statt und wird von Alexandra N. Lenz, Manfred M. Glauninger, Jan Höll, Markus Pluschkovits, Philipp Stöckle und Theresa Ziegler organisiert. Das Programm der diesjährigen ICLaVE|12 umfasst vielfältige theoretische, methodische und empirische Fragestellungen zu Sprachvariation und Sprachwandel in Europa und ist auf der Website der Konferenz einsehbar.

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Artikel URL: https://www.dioe.at/en/article/3297
DiÖ – Cluster C – Presentation
20. March 2024

Newerkla, Stefan Michael (20.03.2024): Vortrag in Eisenstadt

  • Newerkla, Stefan Michael (20.03.2024): Sprachen trennen und verbinden. Das gemeinsame sprachliche Erbe von Deutsch, Tschechisch und weiteren Nachbarsprachen. (Vortrag organisiert vom Rotary Club Eisenstadt, Hotel-Restaurant OHR, Ruster Straße 51, 7000 Eisenstadt) [URL: https://homepage.univie.ac.at/stefan.newerkla/Sprachentr.jpg] M
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Artikel URL: https://www.dioe.at/en/article/3295
DiÖ – Cluster E – Publication
13. March 2024

Pluschkovits, Markus (2023): Annotating German in Austria: A Case-study of manual annotation in and for digital variationist linguistics

  • Pluschkovits, Markus (2023): Annotating German in Austria: A Case-study of manual annotation in and for digital variationist linguistics. In: Gersthofer, Dominik / Gius, Evelyn / Jacke, Janina: Categories in Digital Humanities volume 17/3. (Digital Humanities Quarterly 17.3). [URL: https://digitalhumanities.org/dhq/vol/17/3/000729/000729.html#] M
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Artikel URL: https://www.dioe.at/en/article/3294
DiÖ – Cluster C – Publication
13. March 2024

Wambach, Vera / Newerkla, Stefan Michael (2023): Súčasný slovakistický výskum na Inštitúte slavistiky Viedenskej univerzity

  • Wambach, Vera / Newerkla, Stefan Michael (2023): Súčasný slovakistický výskum na Inštitúte slavistiky Viedenskej univerzity Current Research in Slovak Linguistics at the Department of Slavonic Studies, University of Vienna]. In: Slovenská reč – časopis pre výskum slovenského jazyka 88/3, 399-406. M
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Artikel URL: https://www.dioe.at/en/article/3293

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