PP03: Speech Repertoires and Varietal Spectra
This project part has two aims: First a large-scale survey and analysis of the individual linguistic repertoires of native speakers of German in rural areas of Austria, and second the analysis of the dynamics and structure of the dialect-standard-axis (so called vertical variation spectra) in various research locations all over Austria.
The following questions (among others) will be investigated within the project: How are the ‘vertical’ variation spectra of German structured in Austria? Where do dialects end and ‘colloquial speech’ or intermediate varieties (regiolects) begin? Is there a continuum of concentration zones on the dialect-standard-axis or is it possible to draw clear(er) lines between different varieties? Which sections of the complex variation spectrum are used by which speakers in which situational-pragmatic contexts and functions in which ways?
To answer these questions, the project aims at investigating not only one linguistic level but explores phenomena of linguistic change in pronunciation (phonetics/phonology) as well as in grammar (syntax and morphology). In the second project phase, there will be a focus on intonation (prosody), vocabulary (lexis) and verbal action (pragmatics) as well.
To be able to analyse these various levels in an adequate way, we will use on the one hand well-known traditional methods (e.g., recording of conversations and text reading) and on the other hand recent innovative approaches (e.g., speech production tests).
In: DiÖ-Online.
URL: https://www.dioe.at/en/projects/task-cluster-b-variation/pp03
[Access: 26.03.2025]
DiÖ – Cluster B – Publication
Korecky-Kröll, Katharina / Wittibschlager, Anja (2025): Subjunctive and diminutive use as politeness strategies in German in Austria Comparative evidence from sociolinguistic interviews and conversations among friends
- Korecky-Kröll, Katharina / Wittibschlager, Anja (2025): Subjunctive and diminutive use as politeness strategies in German in Austria Comparative evidence from sociolinguistic interviews and conversations among friends. In: Stratton, James M. / Beaman, Karen V.: Expanding Variationist Sociolinguistic Research in Varieties of German New York: Routledge (Routledge Studies in Language Change) 132-160. [ISBN: 9781003379706] [DOI: M ] [URL: ]
DiÖ – Cluster B, Cluster E – Event
Digital Approaches to Timeless Questions: Emerging Voices in the DH: ACDH-CH Research Day 6
- 20.02.2025: Digital Approaches to Timeless Questions: Emerging Voices in the DH. (ACDH-CH Forschungstag 6, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften Dr. Ignaz-Seipel-Platz 2 1010 Wien) Organised by Jan Höll, Markus Pluschkovits, Susanne Schmalwieser, Patrick Zeitlhuber, Theresa Ziegler. Participating institutions: Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage / Doctoral School of Philological and Cultural Studies: Sektion "Digital Humanities & Quantitative Methods". [URL: ] M
DiÖ – Cluster B – Event – Workshop
Workshop: Vielfältige Phonetik: Lautung zwischen Produktion, Perzeption und Technologie
- 18.12.2024: Workshop: Vielfältige Phonetik: Lautung zwischen Produktion, Perzeption und Technologie. (ÖLT - Österreichische Linguistiktagung 2024, Universität Innsbruck) Organised by Johanna Fanta-Jende, Florian David Tavernier. [URL: M ]
DiÖ – Cluster B – Publication
Dorn, Amelie / Stocker, Rebecca / Stöckle, Philipp (2024): Old dialect words through the ages - the ABCs of dialect project
- Dorn, Amelie / Stocker, Rebecca / Stöckle, Philipp (2024): Old dialect words through the ages – the ABCs of dialect project. In: ARPHA Proceedings volume 6. 213-216. [DOI: M ]
DiÖ – Cluster B – Publication
Wittibschlager, Anja / Korecky-Kröll, Katharina (2024): Sprachdynamik im Deutschen in Österreich. Apparent-time-Analysen zu den morphosyntaktischen Phänomen Diminutiv und Konjunktiv II
- Wittibschlager, Anja / Korecky-Kröll, Katharina (2024): Sprachdynamik im Deutschen in Österreich. Apparent-time-Analysen zu den morphosyntaktischen Phänomen Diminutiv und Konjunktiv II. In: Kasper, Simon / Pheiff, Jeffrey / Kammers, Heiko: Stabilität und Dynamik in der regionalsprachlichen (Morpho-)Syntax des Deutschen: Standortbestimmungen und Zukunftsperspektiven Düsseldorf: hhu books 25-26. [DOI: M ] [URL: ]
DiÖ – Cluster B – Presentation
Tavernier, Florian David (10.07.2024): Vortrag in Wien
- Tavernier, Florian David (10.07.2024): Standard language use of rural speakers in Austria: Phonetic- phonological variation of alveolar and bilabial fortis plosives /t/ & /p/. (International Conference on Language Variation in Europe (ICLaVE) 12, Universität Wien) [URL: M ]
DiÖ – Cluster B – Presentation
Fanta-Jende, Johanna (10.07.2024): Vortrag in Wien
- Fanta-Jende, Johanna (10.07.2024): Diglossia or Diaglossia? Vertical variation spectra between dialect and standard in Austria. (International Conference on Language Variation in Europe (ICLaVE) 12, Universität Wien) [URL: M ]
DiÖ – Cluster B – Presentation
Krapp, Maria-Luisa / Wittibschlager, Anja (09.07.2024): Vortrag in Wien
- Krapp, Maria-Luisa / Wittibschlager, Anja (09.07.2024): Variation of the subjunctive II across the border – insights from Germany and Austria. (International Conference on Language Variation in Europe (ICLaVE) 12, Universität Wien) [URL: M ]
DiÖ – Cluster B – Presentation
Korecky-Kröll, Katharina (09.07.2024): Vortrag in Wien
- Korecky-Kröll, Katharina (09.07.2024): German pejorative diminutives in the DACH region: morphosyntactic and semantic-pragmatic aspects of regional variation in swear word dictionaries vs. selected oral and written corpora. (International Conference on Language Variation in Europe (ICLaVE) 12, Universität Wien) [URL: M ]
DiÖ – Cluster B – Presentation
Lenz, Alexandra: Vortrag Institutstagung 2024
- Lenz, Alexandra N. (03.06.2024): Lexik und ihre Dynamik – Analysen zu Austriazismen in Raum und Zeit. (Institutstagung Germanistik 2024) [URL: M ]
DiÖ – Cluster B, Cluster E – Event
Workshop Sprachsignalverarbeitung
- Draxler, Christoph (21.03.2024): Workshop Sprachsignalverarbeitung. (Workshop, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften: Bäckerstraße 13, 1010 Wien) Organised by Florian David Tavernier. Participating institutions: Universität Wien / Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. M
DiÖ – Cluster B – Publication
Bülow, Lars / Wittibschlager, Anja / Lenz, Alexandra N. (2023): Variation and change of relativizers in Austria’s German varieties
- Bülow, Lars / Wittibschlager, Anja / Lenz, Alexandra N. (2023): Variation and change of relativizers in Austria’s German varieties. In: Sprachwissenschaft 48/3, 243-280. M
DiÖ – Cluster B – Presentation
Ziegler, Theresa; Höll, Jan; Pluschkovits, Markus: Vortrag Institutstagung 2024
- Ziegler, Theresa / Höll, Jan / Pluschkovits, Markus (04.06.2024): LexAT – Lexikalische Variation in Österreich. (Institutstagung Germanistik 2024, https://www.germ.univie.ac.at/institutstagung-2024/) M
DiÖ – Cluster B – Publication
Korecky-Kröll, Katharina (2023): German adjective gradation in rural and urban regions of Austria
- Korecky-Kröll, Katharina (2023): German adjective gradation in rural and urban regions of Austria. In: Werner, Martina / Dressler, Wolfgang U.: Between derivation and inflection Wien: Austrian Academy of Sciences Press 77-105. [URL: M ]
DiÖ – Cluster B – Publication
Manova, Stela / Grestenberger, Laura / Korecky-Kröll, Katharina (2023): Introduction: Diminutives across languages, theoretical frameworks and linguistic domains
- Manova, Stela / Grestenberger, Laura / Korecky-Kröll, Katharina (2023): Introduction: Diminutives across languages, theoretical frameworks and linguistic domains. In: Manova, Stela / Grestenberger, Laura / Korecky-Kröll, Katharina: Diminutives across languages, theoretical frameworks and linguistic domains Berlin / Boston: de Gruyter Mouton (Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs 380) 1-34. [DOI: M ]